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One Acre Fund Interns in Rubengara, Rwanda

4 Tips For A Successful One Acre Fund Internship Application

An internship with One Acre Fund is a great way to launch your career, and we’re now looking for the best and brightest young Africans to join our team.
Our application process
Our internship hiring process is competitive—you’ll have to fill out an online application, write essays, and complete written tests, interviews, and work exercises. Here are some tips to make your application shine:

Understand the mission

We’re looking for interns who really get what One Acre Fund does. You can learn more about us by checking out our blog and reading the articles in our Insights library. You can also take a look at some of our past annual reports. Candidates who deeply understand One Acre Fund's work tend to do better in the application process.

Showcase your key job skills

No matter where you intern with One Acre Fund, you'll be working on important projects with the potential to create a big impact. If you’ve got relevant job experience for our teams, anything from field to finance, let us know! Make sure you tell us about any leadership experience you’ve gained through other internships or volunteering. Skills in research and proficiency in office software like Microsoft Excel are also a plus.

Write great essays

We ask interns to submit a short work history as well as two essays as part of their applications. Your essays help us understand why you want to work at One Acre Fund and what you could bring to the team. The spelling and grammar don’t have to be perfect, but take your time writing these. We expect your essays to be original works that only you write—we’re eager to know about your experience and insights.

Live One Acre Fund's values

Read our core values before you apply. Our values guide our work, and we consider the values-fit of every candidate. We’re looking for interns who are ready to serve with humility, learn a lot, dream big, and make a big impact. Does this sound like you?

