Educational information and updates are available on the following topics:
- State Laws for Camps - Find Out about camp-related laws and regulations in your state
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Children and Nature - Healthy Kids Outdoors Act
- Community Parks Revitalization Act
- Criminal Background Checks - Child Protection Improvements Act
- Education Reform and Environmental Literacy - Every Student Succeeds Act
- Epinephrine Auto-Injector Accessibility Laws and Camps
- Health Care Reform - Impact on camps as employers
- Immigration Reform - Impact on camp cultural exchange programs
- Medical Marijuana Laws
- Pool and Spa Safety - Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act
- Public Lands Service Corps Act
- Tax Incentives for Employers Who Hire Veterans - VOW to Hire Heroes Act
- Taxes - Camp as a Small Business: American Taxpayer Relief Act Impact on Camps
- Transportation Issues