Place an Ad for the Next Issue!


  • More than 15,000 active year-round job seekers will see your ad in their inbox because they subscribed to this e-mail list. 150-200 new subscribers opt in every month!
  • Anyone can also read the latest issue on ACA's Web site.
  • We e-mail subscribers the latest edition around the 15th and 30th of each month.
  • It includes year-round jobs or seasonal ones (jobs that last longer than May - August.) We have a separate service for finding summer staff.


  • Pricing:
    • $150 Camp - Accredited — Ad will be included in the next two issues.
    • $175 Camp - Member — Ad will be included in the next two issues.
              (Camp - Member = camp paying fees or dues but not accredited)
    • $200 Camp - Non-ACA — Ad will be included in the next two issues.
  • E-mailed or faxed ads will not be accepted.
  • Ads must be prepaid using a credit card as we cannot invoice you for this service.

Questions? Need to edit an existing posting? Please contact Staff Recruitment at or 765-349-3500