At the Sunrise Association, we know that the true magic of summer camp comes from the incredible counselors who dedicate their summers to creating unforgettable experiences for kids. That's why last July, we launched the first-ever Camp Counselor Appreciation Day to celebrate the energy, passion, and commitment of camp counselors everywhere.
Camp counselors play such a vital role in the lives of children, especially those going through extraordinarily difficult times. Here at Sunrise Day Camps, we are all too familiar with this as we work to give summer back to children with cancer and their siblings. At our 13 day camps across the US and Israel, over 550 counselors worked tirelessly last summer to provide safe, supportive, and joyful camp experiences for these amazing kids — completely free of charge. As one camper parent shared about her daughter, the counselors "single-handedly, within a few days, completely rebuilt her self-esteem."
We've witnessed firsthand how camp counselors can have a profound, lasting impact that inspires the next generation of helpers and healers. One pre-med Sunrise Day Camp counselor said his experience showed him he is "capable of undertaking the role of both a healthcare provider and caregiver."
The positive influence of camp counselors extends far beyond our Sunrise Day Camps, reaching every community where a summer camp exists. That's why we were thrilled to have the American Camp Association join us this year in celebrating the second annual Camp Counselor Appreciation Day on July 12. Together, we can amplify this message of gratitude across the wider camping world.
To make it easy for camps to get involved, we've created a free digital tool kit packed with ideas for showing appreciation, from camper-made thank-you cards to counselor appreciation breakfasts. The toolkit also includes social media templates for camps to join the online celebration using #CampCounselorDay.
We invite all camps to visit and download the tool kit today. Join us in honoring the heartbeat of summer camp — the counselors who turn ordinary summer days into extraordinary, life-changing experiences for kids. After all they do, they deserve far more than just one day of appreciation!
About the Sunrise Association
The mission of the Sunrise Association is to bring back the joys of childhood to children with cancer and their siblings worldwide. Sunrise accomplishes this through the creation and oversight of welcoming, inclusive summer day camps, year-round programs, and in-hospital recreational activities, all offered free of charge. Learn more at