Storytelling for Marketing: Telling the Story of Summer 2020

group of campers gathered at sunset


Kelley Freridge, Micha Hart, Lindsay Malone

Core Competency

Business Management

Type of Course

Recorded Webinar


$20 Member; $40 Nonmember



Storytelling is a deeply human experience, we’ve been telling each other stories for thousands of years. Our stories have the power to bring people together, to shape history, to educate, and drive meaningful connections.

Join our panel of marketing professionals as we discuss storytelling as a content marketing strategy to share the story of summer 2020. This webinar is for camp programs that ran in-person, virtual camp, family camp, implemented a camp-in-a-box program, or simply pivoted to planning for summer 2021.

Working together we will build the bridge to summer 2021 using storytelling as a vehicle to connect with campers and parents. Your story matters, we’re here to help.